Sunday, September 13, 2015

You Get What You Think Even if You Don’t want it

By the powerful Universal Law of Attraction, you draw to you the essence of whatever you are predominantly thinking about. So if you are predominantly thinking about the things that you desire, your life experience reflects those things. And, in the same way, if you are predominantly thinking about what you do not want, your life experience reflects those things.

Whatever you are thinking about is like planning a future event. When you are appreciating, you are planning. When you are worrying, you are planning. (Worrying is using your imagination to create something you do not want.)

Every thought, every idea, every Being, every thing, is vibrational, so when you focus your attention on something, even for a short period of time, the vibration of your being begins to reflect the vibration of that which you are giving your attention to. The more you think about it, the more you vibrate like it; the more you vibrate like it, the more of that which is like it is attracted to you. That trend in attraction will continue to increase until a different vibration is offered by you. And when a different vibration is offered, things that match that vibration are then drawn to you, by you.

When you understand the Law of Attraction, you are never surprised by what occurs in your experience, for you understand that you have invited every bit of it in- through your own thought process. Nothing can occur in your life experience without your invitation of it through your thought.

Because there are no exceptions to the powerful Law of Attraction, a through understanding of it is easy to achieve. And once you understand that you get what you think about, and, equally important, when you are aware of what you are thinking, then you are in the position to exercise absolute control of your own experience.

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