Saturday, September 12, 2015


Relationships are your biggest channel to give love, and so you can change your entire life just through the love you give in your relationships. At the same time though, relationships can be your biggest downfall, because they are often your biggest excuse for not giving love

As the law says “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction” so when you give love, compliment, care and appreciations in to your relationships it comes back to you multiplied thousand times. What you give out, you get in return.

Give love to others through kindness, encouragement, support, gratitude, or any good feeling, and it comes back to you and multiplies itself, bringing love to every other area of your life, including your health, money, happiness, and career

Give negative to others, through criticism, anger, impatience, or any bad feeling, and you will receive that negativity back- this is universal truth.

To attract happiness in every area of your life follow this exercise - Make everyone feel special whom you meet in your daily life, make them realize that they have something unique and that’s what make them special in your life, as you do this you will realize that same qualities are coming back to you multiplied.
You van change any relationship right now by looking for the things you love, appreciate, and are grateful for in that person. When you make a deliberate effort to look for the things you love more than you notice negative things, a miracle will take place. All you have to do is harness the force of love by looking for the things you love in the person, and everything will change in the relationship.

The message from Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad and every great being is loud and clear – LOVE!

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